Rebecca Shirey
Sight Unseen
A Story of Courageous Faith
The panic of that Monday morning was overwhelming. It felt fearful. It seemed dark, like a black screen dropped across our future. It felt like what I imagined it is like to be blind. It must also be true that panic causes a person to say insensible things. “For the first time in my life, I cannot visualize tomorrow!” one of us blurted out.

Rebecca Shirey
Rebecca Shirey is a storyteller, faith-seeker, and grace-dweller. As a frequent speaker for conferences and retreats, she communicates with vulnerability, humor, and grace as she passionately encourages others to pursue the abundant life that Jesus offers. The Lord led Rebecca into a decade of intense Bible study preparation before releasing her into a speaking, teaching, and writing ministry. Since then, she has spoken in twelve foreign countries and venues throughout the United States.
— Dr. Doug Beacham International Pentecostal Holiness Church, General Superintendent
I’ve written endorsements for numerous books. But this endorsement for Sight UnSeen is different. It’s different because my wife Susan and I are part of this inspiring account written by Susan’s sister, Rebecca Shirey. Since we know firsthand much of this story, we can attest to the veracity and genuineness of this narrative. We saw it. We listened to it. We marveled at God’s guidance as Becky and Lou “followed the cloud” of divine direction. Sight UnSeen is more than an account of two godly people. It is an invitation to surrender one’s doubts, fears, hopes, and dreams to Jesus. Such surrender leads to such amazing love, grace, and discovery!
— David Ferguson, Ph.D. Author, Great Commandment Principle
His ways are not our ways! Get prepared for the Spirit to disrupt your natural inclination of wanting to “know” God’s will just so you can evaluate the pros and cons of saying yes to it. This vulnerable and well-written journey into Sight UnSeen will upend this fallacy and replace it with true Kingdom living. Learn to live out the Jesus John 7:17 paradox and promise that “anyone who will DO my will, THEN he will know …” Read it and reap great reward!
— Jim Garlow, Ph.D. CEO, Well VersedYour Title Goes Here
It was my privilege to share a portion in the Shirey’s journey of growing in faith in Jesus. As pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, I witnessed this couple cautiously listen for God’s direction in their lives. In Sight UnSeen, Rebecca Shirey weaves biblical principles with their personal stories of how those principles are lived out in the life of a follower of Jesus. You will grasp more completely the truths about faith and trust, listening to God, and the significance of waiting on Him. I will be honored to share Sight UnSeen with others who long for a closer walk with Jesus.
— Brenda Pace, D. Min. Coordinator, Church of God Community Service Chaplaincy
Scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments use the term “sojourner” to describe the one who follows God. Becky Shirey is a sojourner of the highest order. I’ve had the privilege to travel in life and ministry with her for more than two decades. When Becky speaks, I listen. While I had a bird’s eye view of pieces of the journey Becky takes you on in Sight UnSeen, I am blessed to now have the full story. Within these pages is so much more than an interesting story. Through this memoir of a God-directed journey, you will glean the wisdom, grace, and knowledge that those who know Becky have come to see as hallmarks of her life. Buckle up, friend—this faith-filled book is a road trip worth taking.
— Gary W. Moon, M.Div., Ph.D., Executive Director, Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center, Westmont College
Rebecca Shirey’s Sight UnSeen is a faith journey of biblical proportions. She chronicles one couple’s four-year odyssey of following God’s cloud of not-yet-knowing. To make the trip more interesting, she employs rich narrative style, biblical parallels, and sprinkles in a lot of humor— all while quoting sources ranging from Dallas Willard to William Faulkner. If you sense a holy longing in your heart for a journey of adventure with God, this is a good place to begin.
Sight UnSeen is more than an account of two godly people. It is an invitation to surrender one’s doubts, fears, hopes, and dreams to Jesus. Such surrender leads to such amazing love, grace, and discovery!
– Dr. Doug Beacham
International Pentecostal Holiness Church, General Superintendent
Get prepared for the Spirit to disrupt your natural inclination of wanting to “know” God’s will just so you can evaluate the pros and cons of saying yes to it. This vulnerable and well-written journey into Sight UnSeen will upend this fallacy and replace it with true Kingdom living.
– David Ferguson, Ph.D.
Author, Great Commandment Principle
In Sight UnSeen, Rebecca Shirey weaves biblical principles with their personal stories of how those principles are lived out in the life of a follower of Jesus. You will grasp more completely the truths about faith and trust, listening to God, and the significance of waiting on Him.
– Jim Garlow, Ph.D.
CEO, Well Versed