By Dr. A. D. Beacham, Jr.
From Text To Sermon
Advent to Epiphany
This book is the first in a series designed to help pastors and their flocks better understand the rhythm and purpose of the Christian calendar. As Christians, we view time from a different perspective than the rest of the world.
—Terry Tramel, Director of Global Outreach and Leadership Development IPHC World Missions Ministries
Dr. Doug Beacham has done it again. His captivating pen has produced a gift for any pastor seeking to lead their flock through the first holy days that dot the Christian calendar. With the precision of a skilled surgeon, he carefully and correctly exegetes the biblical texts. He then provides a clear path to preaching these truths in the most practical of ways.
These insightful perspectives from this recognized Pentecostal leader furnish a road map for ministers to lead their listeners From Text to Sermon through some of the most important days of human history. Thank you, Bishop Beacham, for challenging the contemporary church to remain connected to our ancient and historical roots.
—Cheryl Bridges Johns, Visiting Professor & Director of Global Pentecostal House of Study, United Theological Seminary
Bishop Doug Beacham offers pastors a valuable resource for better understanding the importance of the church calendar as a tool of Christian discipleship. He helps readers see the importance of keeping sacred time in an increasingly secular world. Beacham shows how the biblical stories surrounding Advent and Epiphany offer narratives that ground believers in the unique message and ethos of the Gospel. Preachers looking for ways to lead congregations in the mysterious journey from Advent to Epiphany will be able to glean from Beacham’s treasure trove of Biblical exposition.
—Ryan Jackson, Lead Pastor The Capital Church, Raleigh, NC
I am convinced that the state of Christianity in any culture can be tied to the state of the pulpit. So much of Christianity is anemic because of shallow preaching built around creative hooks and catchy ideas but not firmly grounded in the Word. Bishop Beacham has offered us help in correcting this issue. If we will listen to him, our preaching will be richer; and when our preaching is richer, the pew will be healthier. Beacham’s reasoned defense of preaching in the liturgical cycle offers a powerful strategy for disrupting the cadence of our world with the rhythms of God’s grace.
—Ken L. Young, Professor of New Testament Language & Literature Chair Department of Christian Studies,Southwestern Christian University
In a time when more Pentecostals are opening themselves to liturgical spiritual formation, Dr. Doug Beacham offers them this edifying and enlightening text. He combines a Pentecostal hermeneutic with the Church’s liturgical calendar; the result is a book that succeeds at its purpose – to offer and invite the readers to a distinct way for spiritual formation during Advent and leading to Epiphany. Using texts from the prophet Isaiah and multiple readings from the New Testament, Beacham helps readers focus on the meaning of Advent and Epiphany as well as challenges them to become better disciples. Relying on his expertise and experience as well as both ancient and contemporary texts, he guides the audience to a greater recognition of and appreciation for the merger of Pentecostalism with the liturgical calendar.
He challenges specifically Pentecostal preachers and pastors to utilize the liturgical season in their sermons. Rather than giving them an outline or an expository sermon, Beacham offers various possibilities for preaching the texts as they relate to Advent and Epiphany. The author assists this enterprise by moving the reader literally From Text to Sermon. The author permeates the “text’ portion in every chapter with valuable historical and exegetical information to aid the reader in correct interpretation. If one requires more depth, the endnotes provide vital material and opportunities for further study.
Bishop Beacham’s text is as practical as it is educational. If you are a Pentecostal pastor, this book will help you present the true message of the season before, during, and after Christmas. I recommend it highly.
—Chris Maxwell, Author, Campus Pastor and Spiritual Life Director Emmanuel College
In Advent to Epiphany: From Text to Sermon Dr. A. D. Beacham, Jr. offers a guide for church leaders seeking to teach through the Christian seasons. He brings history and application. He presents practical examples of how the ancient stories can be alive and hopeful for today’s hurting people.
By reading, learning, and applying Dr. Beacham’s wisdom, today’s church leaders can stand together with ministers through history.

Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr.
Dr. A. D. (Doug) Beacham, Jr. is the general superintendent of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. He previously served as a professor and chair of the board of trustees at Emmanuel College and as a chaplain in the U.S. Army reserves. Beacham serves on the board of Christian Churches together. He is a member of the National Association of Evangelicals, Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America, Pentecostal World Fellowship, and the Second Billion Soul Campaign. He holds an Associate of Arts from Emmanuel College; a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Georgia; and a Master of Divinity, a Master of Theology, and a Doctor of Ministry from Union Presbyterian Seminary.
Other Books
Light for the Journey: A Fresh Focus on Doctrine
This booklet is an excellent presentation of the Doctrines of the Holiness Pentecostal Church, a denomination founded before the Assemblies of God and which differs in its view of Sanctification. Highly recommended for those people studying the history of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement.
Rediscovering the Role of Apostles and Prophets
Rediscovering the Role of Apostles and Prophets examines how a historic Pentecostal church has viewed apostles and prophets. Discussing apostles and prophets within the biblical context of the five-fold ministry, this book breaks new ground in the current dialogue between contemporary apostolic movements and historic Pentecostal churches.
Azusa East: The Life and Times of G. B. Cashwell
Azusa East: The life and times of GB Cashwell chronicles the life of Pentecostal pioneer GB Cashwell from his life-changing trip to the Los Angeles Azusa Street Experience to his return home where his work was foundational to the Pentecostal Holiness Church.
Recently, I taught a series on the ministry gifts of the spirit during which I benefited greatly from reading this book. It is a MUST-READ!
– Wiley Hughes
Dr. Beacham provides a scholarly work by pulling from original sources and interviews from which he extracts carefully measured exposition and allows the reader to draw their own conclusions.
– K. Lucas
Mr. Beacham thanks for your hard work and due diligence in presenting the Godly works of Cashwell.