By Chris Maxwell


31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life’s Uneven Surfaces

Thirty-one is an odd number.
That is how life is. Odd. Not even or simple or predictable.
Estimated time of arrival is just that, it is estimated. Expectations are not always met.
I want a balanced and structured plan. I want to stick with the plan and complete it. I want to then move on to the next plan and complete it. Early. Successfully.


Chris Maxwell

Chris Maxwell is a husband, father, and grandfather. He is a writer, pastor, poet, spiritual life director, international speaker, and a man who loves people. Chris hopes to be a voice of encouragement through words spoken, words written, and a life lived.

Other Books

embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living

this now, only here for a moment, is brief. i hope to notice it.100 poems celebrating embracing the moment in pain, joy, healing, and living.

a slow and sudden God: 40 years of wonder

the number forty, i’m told, biblically symbolizes a period of testing. a trial, a season of waiting, a mystery, a wondering about what is next. 


When Encephalitis, Brain Injury, and Epilepsy Change Everything

Encephalitis almost ended Chris Maxwell’s life. The scar tissue in his brain left him with epilepsy. Life changed suddenly and permanently.

Pause With Jesus

Encountering His Story in Everyday Life.

This biblical travelogue presents descriptions, like historical snapshots. Knitted together, from Christ’s life bring into focus a true and astounding picture. 

Pause for Pastors

Finding Still Waters in the Storm of Ministry

Though I often forget things, I can’t forget that. Faces and voices, a sanctuary and a pulpit, many years and many moments.

Pause For Moms

Finding Peace in a Too Busy World

This book is for Moms. The stories inside invite mothers to hit pause. To rest a moment and notice the beauty in the now.

Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time.

Pause with Chris Maxwell as he explores a collection of words. Reconnect with life and all it has to offer.


Chris Maxwell is nothing if not creative, but his is that particularly winsome brand of creativity that causes the reader to see it, whatever it is, from a different angle. We live a dark and confusing world. Maxwell’s prose and his poetry are just the antidote you’ve been looking for—creative, a bit capricious, and wonderfully uplifting.

– Mark Rutland


I have known Chris Maxwell for over twenty years. His voice is one of encouragement, steadiness and direction in my life. His words bring pastoral adjustments with encouragement to live fully alive. His words provide a nudge towards a place of balance—an opportunity to discover equilibrium in life and in matters of the soul.

– Dr. Charlie Dawes


I have known Chris Maxwell for over forty years and observed his gift of connecting with people. In this engaging book, he leads us on a journey of discovering God’s gifts in each of us. He weaves a tapestry of grace, mercy, and love that at the conclusion shows us the heart of Jesus Christ.

– Dr. A. D. Beacham, Jr.

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