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“From his years of leading young adults, planting a thriving and successful local congregation, and leading in care and development for clergy in a denomination, Steve Ely has produced a discipleship resource that touches the core of how our lives are changed by the Word and Spirit of God. This is a must-read for all interested in drawing closer to Jesus and changing our generation.”
All profits from this offer go to Steve and Julie Ely
“Steve remains one of the most passionate, articulate, and competent Ministry Directors/Leaders that I have had the privilege of serving and serving with. I have always listened and weighed what he has to say, and you and I would be wise to let the truths shared in this book transform our hearts.”
a slow and sudden God: 40 years of wonder
Chris Maxwell
Pause With Jesus: Encountering His Story in Everyday Life
Chris Maxwell
Pause For Pastors: Finding Still Waters in the Storm of Ministry
Chris Maxwell
Pause For Moms: Finding Rest in a Too Busy World
Chris Maxwell
Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time
Chris Maxwell
Room 6060: Of Death and Hope … of Grief and Joy
Jon Campbell
Footprints Over Africa
Joseph B. Arthur
You Can’t Live on a Stump: Finding New Meaning in the Shadows of Fallen Dreams
Dr. Harold G. Rhoades
Holy Spirit 365 Devotional
Rebecca Keener
The American Gospel: A Letter to a Post-Christian Church
Josh Lafferty
Dead-Ringer Devotionals: 30 Days of Idioms Selected From the Scriptures
Chrissie Forehand
The Condition of Living: Building, Binding, Healing the Habitat Way
Darlene Nixon
Singing Down The Preacher
Darlene Nixon
Our Side of the Mountain
Darlene Nixon
A Return to Sonship: Understanding Your Spiritual DNA
Stacy D. Hilliard
Relationships: Your Key to Divine Destiny
Stacy D. Hilliard
Guvernia Paradise
Ismail Serinken
Journey To Christmas: An Advent Devotional
Mike Stewart
You Can Know God: Driven By The Freedom Given
Larry Finch
Losing AJ
Adam Shinn
The Work Of God: Don’t Try to Change Others, Show How Jesus Changed You
Martin Ray Sudderth
God Is For Us: Learn How To Listen For His Voice
Larry Finch
Dead To Sin: Tap into Your Inner Strength to Discover Truths That Will Unlock Your Potential
Martin Ray Sudderth
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